Dupont Circle Club

Hosted Fellowships

AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)

Founded on the Twelve Steps and the Twelve Traditions, AA promotes recovery from alcoholism. Over 40 AA meetings are held at DCC each week.

National Website
Local Website


The Al-Anon Family Groups are for relatives and friends of alcoholics — anyone who has been affected by someone else's drinking.

National Website
Local Website

ACoA (Adult Children of Alcoholics)

For women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes.

National Website

CoDA (Co-dependents Anonymous)

A fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships.

National Website

CMA (Crystal Meth Anonymous)

Crystal Meth Anonymous is a 12 step fellowship for those in recovery from addiction to crystal meth.

National Website

Dual Diagnosis

This group at DCC is for those with alcohol or drug problems as well as mental health issues.

GA (Gamblers Anonymous)

GA provides the message that there is an alternative to the destruction of compulsive gambling.

National Website

MA (Marijuana Anonymous)

MA exists to provide a means of recovery to the suffering marijuana addict who seeks help.

National Website

NA (Narcotics Anonymous)

An international, community-based association of recovering drug addicts. NA meetings are open to all drug addicts, regardless of the particular drug or combination of drugs used.

National Website
Local Website

Nar-Anon (Nar-Anon)

Nar-Anon is a support group for family and friends of drug users.

National Website

Nicotine Anonymous

A non-profit fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives.

National Website

OA (Overeaters Anonymous)

OA offers recovery from compulsive overeating. OA is not just about weight loss, obesity or diets; it addresses physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

National Website

SCA (Sexual Compulsives Anonymous)

SCA is open to anyone with a desire to recover from sexual compulsion.

Local Website

SLAA (Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous)

SLAA deals with addictive behaviors related to sex addiction, love addiction, dependency on romantic attachments, emotional dependency, and sexual, social and emotional anorexia.

National Website

SIA (Survivors of Incest Anonymous)

A resource for survivors of child sexual abuse. SIA defines incest very broadly as a sexual encounter by a family member, or by an extended family member that damaged the child.

National Website


An offshoot of Debtors Anonymous, Visions groups meet to help members form a clear, specific picture of what they want to do and to have in their lives.

Workaholics Anonymous

The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop working compulsively.

National Website

Other 12-Step Organizations

Cocaine Anonymous
Depressed Anonymous
Dual Recovery Anonymous
Eating Disorders Anonymous
Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous
Incest Survivors Anonymous
Internet and Technology Addicts Anonymous
Obsessive Compulsive Anonymous
Pills Anonymous
Recovering Couples Anonymous
Sex Addicts Anonymous